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The agricultural sector is continuously impacted by world events, government policies, weather, and the overall economy. Agriculture experiences stress in different areas at different times. One period of time may show problems in dairy. Another time period may show issues in fruit or nuts.  Seafood would have a different cycle and issues. Meat, and meat processing, also have different drivers.


Every aspect of agriculture experiences turmoil and uncertainty at times. Lenders and borrowers need to be prepared for that uncertainty.


Focus Management Group has experience in a broad range of agricultural related enterprises. Our professionals have hands-on experience in dairy, feed lots, chicken production and processing, beef and pork production and processing, seafood, egg production, vegetable farming, fruit and nut production and processing, and many other unique agricultural sectors.


Focus Management Group is experienced with family owned businesses and the special challenges those operations encounter. We are also experienced dealing with complex multiple legal entity structures to allow land ownership, succession planning, and address taxation and legal concerns.


We deal with cooperatives, as well as more traditional legal structures. 


Operating Performance Matrix© for the Agricultural Production Sector:


One important aspect of agricultural enterprise analysis is an ability to evaluate multiple production and cost variables at the same time. To accomplish this, Focus Management Group has developed an Operating Performance Matrix© which is easily adapted to multiple types of agricultural enterprises.


When dealing with a dairy operation, for example, Focus Professionals consider the debt structure and the cost structure of the operation, and then overlay that information with varying prices received for milk, varying production per cow, and varying feed costs. When dealing with an ethanol producer, Focus Professionals consider the input costs of corn and natural gas, the price received for ethanol and by-product sales, and plant efficiency rates. This type of approach shows the operator and the lender the combinations of multiple inputs which will result in stabilized operations and financial performance.


Our portfolio of products offered to our agricultural clients includes:


  • Corporate Bankruptcy Services

  • Restructuring Advisory Services

  • Interim Management Services

  • Business Viability Assessment

  • Operating Performance Matrix©

  • Turnaround Management

  • Asset Recovery

  • Organizational Review

  • Operational Process Improvement

  • Cash Flow Optimization

©2023 by Focus Management Group

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