Forensic & Investigative Accounting - Electronic Discovery
Distressed business may from time to time become the target of litigation. In such litigation situations, counsel may be required to gather and review massive amounts of data during the discovery phase of a case–a cumbersome and complex ordeal. To better control and manage legal discovery costs, Focus Management Group provides its clients with electronic discovery support services that enable counsel to efficiently and effectively conduct its discovery work.
Electronic Discovery & Document Control Advantages
Overcoming Legacy Storage Challenges: Successfully recovered data from a legacy storage network after several failed attempts by another provider. The outcome was favorably viewed by the court, which ordered cost sharing for the project.
Reducing ESI: Our software development team combined over 4,000 disparate datasets and deduplicated the data that resulted from an overbroad forensic collection conducted by another vendor. By normalizing and consolidating the fielded information, our team increased the document review by 400%.
Increasing Document Review Productivity: Redesigned a law firm’s review process and created a customized and automated workflow to increase review productivity by 200%.
Creating Efficiencies Through Technology
Through the application of technology experts and proven software, Focus Management Group can help counsels achieve their electronic discovery objectives while simultaneously controlling discovery costs. From discovery negotiation to significantly reducing the amount of data that needs to be reviewed, our use of leading technology, combined with the practical experience of our people in all facets of the electronic discovery process, enables us to help counsels navigate through their most complex document control issues. We work with counsels on matters involving:
Breach of fiduciary duty
Negligence, malfeasance, fraud and embezzlement
Professional malpractice
Commercial Litigation
Avoidance actions, i.e. preferences and fraudulent conveyances
Breach of contract
Equitable subordination
Electronic Discovery & Document Control Services
Front-end strategic consulting
Project management
Data collection management
Computer forensics
Electronic data processing
Custom deduplication
Document review and hosting
Production of data
Expert testimony
Investigation & Analysis Techniques
See our Financial Advisory services: