Forensic & Investigative Accounting
As organizations face financial or organizational challenges, contractual disputes and other types of disagreements dramatically increase, as do the risks associated with asset misappropriation and fraud. Such risks may be difficult to detect due to existing infrastructures and systems that may have not been appropriately designed. This may range from deteriorating product quality, delivery shortfalls and un-issued credit to fraud, theft and embezzlement.
Focus Management Group provides forensic and investigative accounting services to detect the risks associated with a struggling organization, determine the root cause, remediate the situation and design systems and monitoring protocols to ensure the breach does not reoccur. Our services help organizations evaluate breach of:
Contract damages
Existing or expected fraud
Regulatory Compliance
Business or Asset Valuation
Royalty income Calculation
Forensic Accounting Services
Companies from time to time are exposed to risk or potential fraud that their current systems and structure were not designed to detect. Understanding when your company may be crossing these risk thresholds is critical to the long term viability of your organization. Whether the risk relates to asset misappropriation or contractual misrepresentation, or if fraud is detected or suspected, protecting the integrity of your firm’s assets and reputation are critical to success. We can help determine the extent of the damage, pinpoint the cause, design systems and processes to prevent reoccurrence and help implement such preventative measures and appropriate monitoring protocols going forward.
Investigations and Dispute Resolution
Focus provides accounting, financial, operations and asset valuation services to help our clients quickly and confidently develop the analytics they need to support their position. Our Professionals provide objective advisory services in advance of a contemplated transaction to determine the likelihood of success. We understand the need for speed in a crisis situation and are well prepared to meet any timeframe requirements needed. Our experienced professionals will quickly determine viability, quantify the exposure, assist counsel with claim preparation and, if necessary, provide expert witness testimony.
See our Financial Advisory services: