Asset Management
Portfolio Management & Monetization
Portfolio Management
The professionals of Focus Management Group have extensive experience in all aspects of portfolio management. By utilizing a disciplined, process-oriented approach, our team consistently maximizes recovery based on desired time frames to ensure benefit to all stakeholders.
Portfolio Management Process
We use a proprietary, portfolio management template, customized for each asset class, which allows for a cost-effective and disciplined approach to the management of specific asset portfolios.
Our team develops budgets that summarizes the recovery levels and the cost and timing of recoveries to allow for a Net Present Value analysis across various time horizons.
We generate asset summary reports that highlight financial and collateral performance, restructuring progress with milestones, and timing of monetization.
Our standard reporting modules provide weekly, monthly and quarterly reporting on each asset within a portfolio, including a detailed analysis on monetization activities, as well as an analysis on trends within the portfolio.
Portfolio Monetization
Focus offers a “turnkey” solution for the monetization of assets. Our mandate is to manage and monetize assets comprising a portfolio in a fashion that maximizes the monetary recovery, on a per asset basis, in a cost-effective and efficient manner in accordance with our customer’s desired time frame